updated 09/10/2012
Hooch disappeared in 2003 and I made a web page to remember it but now in 2012, 9 years later Global Brands has decided its time for a come back!
So now Hooch is back the content below is a bit pointless and of of date but I’ll still leave it all the same as a tribute.
Ok so just been in Roys and they have Hooch! Its the first place I’ve seen new Hooch so far and was the last place I knew of that had old Hooch!
Now about to sample it! (glass not included!)…
…Sampled it and its very good! I’d say best tasting alcopop I’ve had for a long time! (Except Gordon’s Space I had in Corfu in fact it tastes similar even though one is vodka and one is gin!)
Here it is next to my old bottles, the 1997 Smooch and 2004 Vodka Hooch. The new bottle is 500ml compared with the old ones of 330ml. The new one is only 4% alcohol where the old was 5%. They have also dropped the Hoopers part of the name completely.
updated 02/08/2012, 13/07/2012
Just found out that Hooch is getting re-launched in the UK!
So its taken 9 years but Hoopers Hooch Lemon Brew is coming back!!
Heres a link to their twitter and facebook
Hooch disappeared in 2003 and I made a web page to remember it (Hoopers Hooch) but now in 2012, 9 years later Global Brands has decided its time for a come back!
The Hooch brand is owned by Coors and Global Brands have signed a licencing agreement with them.
It is being marketed as an alternative to fruit cider and in a large 500ml bottle instead of a smaller alcopop sized bottle. Its is also supposed to be served over ice.
So far it is only available in the Barca Bar in the Casa Hotel in Chesterfield.
Photo taken from their Twitter feed.
Heres where I found out about it http://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2012/07/retro-alcopop-hooch-makes-a-comeback/
updated 10/3/2012, 4/6/2011, 4/8/2010, 3/7/2004
This is dedicated to one of the original alcopops Hooper’s Hooch. Hooch is no longer sold in the UK, the last bottles went out of date on the 31st March 2004.
I would start some form of campaign to get Hooch back. It would be nice but if they did bring it back I’d like the novelty for a bit but once it had worn off I’d probably hardly buy it like Mountain Dew (though our Mountain Dew Energy is not real Mountain Dew).
So this page is just a tribute to Hooch and other random or discontinued alcopops.

What I am craving at the moment is Fish ‘n’ Chip biscuits, they should definitely come back!
History of Hooch: – The original Hooch was launched in the early nineties as Hooper’s Ginger Brew, the product was very well received and after a period of development other flavours were introduced.
The name Hoopers refers to William Hooper, inventor of the hot water bottle and manufacturer of lemonade in the 1840s whose trademark was owned by Burton-on-Trent-based brewer Bass.
Lemon was launched in the UK during 1995 and during 1996, Apple Hooch and Blackcurrant Hooch were also introduced.

In 1997 the drink was relaunched with an ‘unambiguously adult look’ and a reduced sugar content to tackle that criticism, while Co-Op Supermarkets, Iceland, J D Wetherspoon and Whitbread stopped selling alcopops.

Also in 1997 Hooch was exported to the USA and to South Africa and became an immediate success in both countries. Meanwhile in the United Kingdom, sales of Hooper’s Hooch escalated rapidly with a sales exceeding 5 million cases per annum. During 1999 Hooch was launched in Russia where sales quickly achieved volumes well in excess of one million cases per annum.
At its peak 2.5 million bottles of Hooper’s Hooch were sold each week in Britain, and it was the market leader for alcopops with up to 70% of the market.
However, alcopops became less popular, and the drink was discontinued in the UK in 2003.

According to http://resolute-drinks.com During 2004-5, the Hooch laboratory together with a leading European Flavour House, were commissioned to review and develop each of the Hooch flavours. The purpose of this activity was to provide the brand with the ultimate in taste, freshness and to incorporate a superb long lingering after-taste. At the same time a leading design agency was appointed to upgrade the Hooch packaging by creating modern, colourful graphics – a continuing development programme designed to keep Hooper’s Hooch well ahead of all competition. – But we don’t get to sample it in the UK
Hooch Advert: –
At the bottom of the page will be other random alcopops we’ve come across on our travels, some still around but lots have also ended their lives. Alcopops no longer seem as popular as they once were.

This company seem to produce it in the UK but only to export it, I can’t see any way of getting it in theUK. http://www.resolute-drinks.com/
Been browsing the web for Hooch again and found this:- Hooch Fox. Seems to be a South African version thats still being made. No way of importing it though.
You can get a selection of Hooch drinks in Russia. Hooch Super. Produced by megapack.
Why did we go on holiday to Cyprus 2010 and not 2011??? found this on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hoopers-Hooch/259533617406836

The Alcopop Graveyard

Scary Metz Advert
finally just because I love it the WKD robot drill advert!!
Random Hooch pictures found whilst cruising the information super highway…

Here are some concept designs by a university student studying advertising. Instead of appealing to the young market the campaign is to give consumers in their late twenties the opportunity to revel in nostalgia by drinking an alcopop which they once loved.