Myspace Toms

We all know Myspace is dead and it has been for years now but I used to love it at its peak.

So, myspace Tom was everyone’s first friend but does anyone remember the random Toms people created? most using the classic Tom photo and changing it slightly, often with a ‘Tom’ pun. e.g. Tom-ato.

There were some good ones and some stupid ones. You could make quite a funny top 8 friends.

I actually made a few, so did a couple of my friends. I made Tom the Tank Engine, Tom Tom and The Libertoms!

What got me thinking about this again was when a friend shared Tom Anderson’s Instagram photo on facebook today, it was of a pair of Toms canvas shoes with the classic Tom photo on! 

My new shoes… Sweet 🙂 !

A post shared by Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) on

Anyway I made a facebook fan page for the Random Toms of Myspace so like it if you like! (add more Toms!!)

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